Saturday, November 26, 2016

My paradigm about Money

Sean Covey says: 
"Paradigms are like glasses When you have incomplete paradigms about yourself or life in general, it's like wearing glasses with the wrong prescription"
We all have paradigms or filters in our minds that change the way we see things. This week, I found this question: What is the right way to see money? What is your paradigm about money? Stephen W. Gibson replies: You should decide that for yourself.
In Jacob 2: 18-19 I find the basis for my paradigm of money and work: "It is okay to seek money, if we do it in the right order, after having received hope in Christ, after the Money to do good. "
The writing is clear, and it teaches me the order to obtain riches and success in life. In this scripture, we find the following steps if we want to thrive in our life:
1.Seek the Lord and have hope in Him.
2.Keep the commandments, which includes the temporal, tithe, and fast offerings.
3.Think about money and plan how you can become self-sufficient.
4.Take advantage of learning opportunities so you will not be ignorant of these issues. Education is the key to opportunity.
5.Learn the laws on which the blessings of wealth are based.
6.Do not send the naked, the hungry, the thirsty or the sick, or those held captive.
The importance is not how much money we have, the key is how, and for what reason we achieve money.


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