Saturday, November 26, 2016

My paradigm about Money

Sean Covey says: 
"Paradigms are like glasses When you have incomplete paradigms about yourself or life in general, it's like wearing glasses with the wrong prescription"
We all have paradigms or filters in our minds that change the way we see things. This week, I found this question: What is the right way to see money? What is your paradigm about money? Stephen W. Gibson replies: You should decide that for yourself.
In Jacob 2: 18-19 I find the basis for my paradigm of money and work: "It is okay to seek money, if we do it in the right order, after having received hope in Christ, after the Money to do good. "
The writing is clear, and it teaches me the order to obtain riches and success in life. In this scripture, we find the following steps if we want to thrive in our life:
1.Seek the Lord and have hope in Him.
2.Keep the commandments, which includes the temporal, tithe, and fast offerings.
3.Think about money and plan how you can become self-sufficient.
4.Take advantage of learning opportunities so you will not be ignorant of these issues. Education is the key to opportunity.
5.Learn the laws on which the blessings of wealth are based.
6.Do not send the naked, the hungry, the thirsty or the sick, or those held captive.
The importance is not how much money we have, the key is how, and for what reason we achieve money.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

License to dream and create

I have always been interested to know, what would happen if people not were so busy? What would do children in schools if they had not lessons from their teachers? What would happen in your work if your boss let you act freely?
I think that the ability to listen to our inner voice and do things per our interest finish when we are children. Our creativity and ability to innovate diminishes when we do not have the time or the permission to do the things we want to do; those things that we care about and love. When we are children we think great things, anything dream is possible.
When do we stop pursuing our dreams? When do we stop having fun with our work?
I find it very interesting to have the goal of using twenty percent of our time to carry out creative projects. It is also very beneficial to have the habit of thought big.
To dream big things, and to have faith carry out them, will help us not only to have great thoughts, but to become great people of success.
Jesus Christ always emphasizes the importance of being like children. Children are creative, fun. They are always looking for things to do. They have licence to do whatever they want.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

The Ability to Execute

It is wonderful and a blessing, that I can still learn something new: The ability to execute tasks.
This is a rare skill, few people have it. I think this fantastic skill goes hand in hand with other abilities such as: Initiative, curiosity, courage, common sense and positive thoughts.
One of my favorite writings says,
 "For behold, it is not meet that I should command in all things; for he that is compelled in all things, the same is a slothful and not a wise servant; Wherefore I received not reward".
When I read about the ability to execute, I thought of that verse. If one receives an assignment and have the needs to obtain even the smallest detail to fulfill it, he becomes lazy, slow, unable to grow with unwillingness to concentrate on a thing  and do it.
I have worked with people, who when I have delegated something, ask me How do I do? Where do I buy it? Can you help me? I find it very tedious that they be so. I do not want to be with them anymore.
On the other hand, I love to near people who bring new ideas, and whose work is creative. They end up something, and instead to ask me "How do I do it? They say: It is done, come and monitor how I did it, what else do I do now?
Our Savior, as leader, tells us that, "It is not meet that I should command in all things," He gives us the example: He delegates but gives us no directions for
All because he wants us to develop our wisdom and ability to perform actions. He knows the "reward" we will receive if we succeed: Success, happiness, Self-sufficiency.

We must do many things of our own free will. We must be our own agents. Jesus Christ asks us what kind of people should we be? Even as I am, he answered us.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Good Things to Come

This video by Elder Jeffrey Holland had touch my heart. I also can imagine a girl, who don't want to go school because she suffers bullying, and it so difficult for her to have friends. I see her tears in the nights. I say her, the same it, 
"Don't you quit, you keep walking, you keep trying, there is help and happiness ahead. Some blessings come soon. Some came late, and some don't come till Heaven".
 I also can imagine a young woman with low self-esteem, who sees herself ugly and fat. I see her sad thoughts, her despair. She cannot to see her value, her beauty.  I say her,
 "Don't you quit, you keep walking, you keep trying, there is help and happiness ahead. Some blessings come soon. Some came late, and some don't come till Heaven". 
I can imagine to professional woman, intelligent, worker. She is alone. She wants to married and to have a son. The years pass and she cannot to married. She has fear to be alone. I say her,
 "Don't you quit, you keep walking, you keep trying, there is help and happiness ahead. Some blessings come soon. Some came late, and some don't come till Heaven". 
I can imagine a mother and wife with fear, she wants to be self- reliance, she wants to help to her husband, and her son.  I say her, 
"Don't you quit, you keep walking, you keep trying, there is help and happiness ahead. Some blessings come soon. Some came late, and some don't come till Heaven".
I see her faithful to the gospel, she is praying, she is serving, she is studying the scriptures and English. She is married, she has a son, she is professional. She doesn’t feel fear, she has hope. God cares her education, cares her. She is loved. She is happy. She keeps walking. She keeps trying. She knows that some blessings come soon, others come later, and some don't come till Heaven. This is my testimony.